Episode 21 – Motivation Tips – Get on Your Death Bed

A Tribe for All the Passionate Learners
A Tribe for All the Passionate Learners
Do you self-evaluate? If so, do you find that there is nothing you need to do to be happier or to improve yourself and grow? If that is true, lucky you! Or are you, like everyone else who is honest…
It is good to stand back and consider what you think, how you respond to situations, and what motivates you. Listen on…
As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being. —Carl Jung
Reframing is never an easy task when the stakes are high, especially when anxiety and self-doubt are present. The good news is that, the more you practice, the easier it gets and the better you will perform. Listen on…
It is a kind of negative exaggeration in which the way you think about and describe events or situations makes a minor setback seem like a major catastrophe or a fear even more real or terrifying… Listen on…
Self-regulation requires us to be able to distance ourselves from our immediate emotional reaction to something and then reframe our thinking in order to control impulses. Listen further…
Reframing is a way of seeing things differently. Is that a snake on the path, or just a stick? Is your glass half-full or half-empty? Is that a threat or an opportunity? Listen further…
Why do we have this tendency to think the worst, dread being found wanting and conjure up fears and anxiety from nowhere? Listen further…